'Calm The Heck Down' Tea Blend

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I created this blend for heavy hearts who need a breather; one that feels like a big hug from a loved one and a load off your chest. This blend of medicinal herbs can be a useful ally when going through a challenging time or during recovery from a dark night of the soul. It’s also a great blend to enjoy at the end of the day regardless of what current events surround you. I would suggest first drinking it at night just in case it makes you sleepy, then decide whether or not it is something you would enjoy during the daytime as well. This blend was included in my first round of Hawk Couture Subscription Boxes.


Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)

Motherwort is one of my favorite plants for those with really big hearts who tend to have ‘all the feels’ all the time. This plant is known as a ‘nervine’ or a ‘nervous system tonic’, and is a miracle worker for those who live with anxiety and wish to be able to take a nice deep breath and get centered. Motherwort is a also cardiotonic plant, meaning that it is very supportive of the heart’s health, specifically in relation to health challenges that stem from nervous system disorders. In addition, it helps to increase circulation as well as is helpful in balancing women’s hormonal systems. Love Motherwort!!

Contraindications: Pregnancy

Img Cred: Growild Nursery


Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

This beautiful plant is another one that helps soothe and calm the nervous system, and it specializes in helping soothe the digestive system in particular. If you are someone who lives with gastrointestinal conditions such as colitis or IBS, chamomile can be a really helpful ally as you take other steps to get to the root causes of what’s creating these conditions in your body. In addition, chamomile is also a very effective anti-inflammatory, which will ultimately lead to your healing process.

Contraindications: Early pregnancy

Img Cred: Traditional Medicinals


Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon Balm is one of my all time favorite go to’s for someone when they need to calm the heck down as it is a skillful nervine and nervous system tonic, for the head, for the heart, and has an uplifting effect for those living with depression (not to be confused with substituting for taking an antidepressant...talk to your doctor or health care provider to make these decisions for yourself). That being said, when you need little pick me up that is also relaxing, Lemon Balm is a great place to start and works well in combination with many other plants, such as Skullcap, Passionflower, and Lavender, depending on how chill you are trying to get...just to name a few. Last but not least, there are a host of herbalists who use Lemon Balm infusions as part of their Lyme protocol due to it’s anti-parasitic, anti-viral, and anti-microbial characteristics.

Contraindications: None known

Img Cred: Skyridge Farm


Rose Buds (Rosa spp.)

Tbh, I am known to add Rose Buds to more of my blends and herbal preparations than not...so get ready to embrace their beauty and their gentle healing properties!! Rose Petals & Buds are anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, helping to relieve muscle tension, in particular good for stomach cramps as well as good at helping relieve respiratory spasms such as asthma and coughs, mildly sedative, cardiotonic, and antiparasitic. So they are not only beautiful, but also will love you up just right. One of my favorite ways to connect with my heart energy is to throw some rose buds in whatever blend I am currently drinking and let that magickal energy do her thing.

Contraindications: None known

Img Cred: E. Miles Harvey

I will be making this blend available for everyone starting Friday, March 13th, and am taking pre-orders now on my Hawk Couture website.

Greta Hotmer